Duncan’s very large powder-blue egg hatches! And out pops, Prehistoric!
There is a lot to like about participating in an art show. The art, the people, being outside, etc. But sometimes there are things that make you want to run screaming from one. No, it’s not bad weather. I can handle bad weather – high winds, downpours, and extreme temperatures – all of which is fine.
What makes me a bit bug nuts are some of the things people say to me. It’s amazing really. Most of the time all is lovely. But then, every so often I am thrown for a loop. Take this little nugget of conversation from an elderly man: “My favourite painting is a copy of a French painting that I have. It is an exact duplicate painted by a man in China.” Now, I have no problems with Chinese painters. They are wonderful painters. But I do have a problem with forgery. Forgery is bad. How is it someone doesn’t understand that? Or does that become a larger discussion about art in the public domain?
Moving on…this past weekend a man in my booth turned to me and said, “I recently bought one of your pieces…from the Goodwill,” to which I responded, “No you didn’t.”
“Yes I did. Same style, same last name.”
“No you didn’t. This is a new series of drawings.”
“It was of a polar bear.”
“Right, I’ve never drawn a polar bear.”
Throughout the conversation, the man’s girlfriend nodded in agreement with her boyfriend.
Finally, I asked: “How much did you pay for it?”
“Fifteen dollars. It was a good deal.”
And with that they strolled out of my booth.
I hope they enjoy their artwork. You realize I have to draw a polar bear now.
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Duncan’s very large powder-blue egg hatches! And out pops, Prehistoric!
Gretchen Wretched, her toxic brews, and the great scavenger hunt for ingredients.