Another Failed Potion
Gretchen Wretched, her toxic brews, and the great scavenger hunt for ingredients.
About a month ago I decided to apply to Sheridan’s graduate program in Computer Animation.
It was time to meld my two worlds (art and IT) together. Both fields are undergoing major changes and I felt it was time for me to go in a new direction as well.
I kept it a secret for as long as I could (a few days) and then I told my mom. If you knew my mom you would know she is the type of person that is always there for her family and friends. And as expected she was over the top excited for me and asked to read about the program.
My mother is very thorough. She called me back and said “did you know there is a graduate school open house tonight? You should go.” Somehow I missed this. It is this kind of “no stone left unturned” that my mother is capable of. And for this I am grateful.
I attended the open house and I was able to meet with the CA program director. He was great. He answered all of my questions and told me about various aspects about the program. I asked him about the portfolio submission and what they were looking for. He said, “We want you to send us what you think is your best work.” He also added, “We are looking for artists.”
Not very often do you hear “we are looking for artists.” This was so welcomed. And so, with his advice in mind, I rigorously reviewed the program descriptions and requirements and began to prepare my submission.
It was hard to choose 20 of my favourite images for my portfolio because I have quite a few pieces that I like. But I started with a few traditional figurative works then added some animal drawings, cowboy illustration art, a landscape painting, some surreal art, a few sketchbook drawings and finished with one of my all-time favourites, Stuffed Bunny Head on a Stick with Poison Mushroom Caps.
In addition to my portfolio I had to write a 500 word answer to the question “Why are you applying to this program?” and submit a resume. My resume was the easiest to pull together. The 500 word essay took some time. But it came together nicely. It was simply the truth about when I started in the arts (20+ years ago) and how my journey has brought me to this decision. When I reviewed my submission it dawned on me how it was a cohesive package. Everything went together extremely well and told the same story.
So with everything pulled together I ventured to the post office. I sent it Xpresspost. It was to arrive Monday – just in time for the deadline. I tracked it. But it didn’t arrive. It didn’t arrive on Tuesday either. I was a bit beside myself. So I pulled together another submission package and drove it to Sheridan (2 hours away) and hand submitted it. I was a bit fearful that my submission would be too late at this point and so talked with the program administrator who was understanding and helpful. She said she thought my application had already been completed. She wondered if she had already received my earlier application. Both of us were a bit mystified. All the same I was relieved and began my return journey home.
Shortly after arriving home I checked online to see if my application was now “complete”. Instead it said, “ACCEPT YOUR OFER AND DISCOVER SHERIDAN!”
What? Again mystified. So I clicked on it and a big blue image said “Congratulations! … We are pleased to offer you admission to the following program(s): Computer Animation…Fall 2013”.
Such joy! And that is where I will be this fall!
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Gretchen Wretched, her toxic brews, and the great scavenger hunt for ingredients.
A new journey. A mission to find one old friend brings forth the chance of meeting another.